Hematopoietic Innovative Therapies

“CIEMAT’s Hematopoietic Innovative Therapies group is  focused on the development of translational research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of inherited and acquired pathologies through genetic, molecual and cellular biology techniques”


News News


Células mesenquimales, soluciones para mejorar su eficacia.

26/03/2021 Células mesenquimales, soluciones para mejorar su eficacia.

Un artículo de TerCel que aborda los nuevos enfoques para mejorar las propiedades y capacidades funcionales de las CMM tras distintas estrategias de bioingeniería celular.

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News Highlights

Fanconi Anemia

A gene therapy clinical trial for patients with Fanconi Anemia offers its first successful results

Dyskeratosis Congenita

A new cell model of dyskeratosis congenita will help understand the disease and evaluate new therapies

LAD-I immunodeficiency

First successful results in gene therapy in a patient with LAD-I immunodeficiency



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