
7th Newsletter URBIOFIN


The 7th Newsletter of URBIOFIN Project is now available online. In this issue you can find:

- Project progress.

- Interview with our project coordinator.

- Facts and figures.

- Latest updates and upcoming events.


Science Dating 2021


For the Day of Women and Girls in Science, CIEMAT organizes its student meetings with CIEMAT researchers as in previous years. This time, the event will take place on February 10th at 5:00 p.m., it will be 100% online and one of our colleagues from the Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Unit will participate. For more information and registration, press here




PhD Thesis Defense


The new WaysTUP! project newsletter is now available! If you want to know the latest project results and relevant news, press here




PhD Thesis Defense


Our colleague Cristina Álvarez has recently defended her PhD Thesis entitled "Producción de xilooligosacáridos y bioetanol a partir de paja de cebada mediante proceso enzimático. Estudio de su actividad prebiótica" (UNED) with the maximum score, "Sobresaliente Cum Laude". Congratulations! More info.




First Virtual Workshop URBIOFIN Project


The first URBIOFIN virtual workshop entitled "Boosting circular economy in cities through new models of municipal solid waste management. The URBIOFIN biorefinery concept" will take place next 16th June 2020. More details and the full programe can be found at the official URBIOFIN website here.


Jornada de Biocarburantes en España


El pasado 26 de febrero la unidad de Biocarburantes Avanzados y Bioproductos del CIEMAT junto al Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (MINCOTUR) organizó una jornada sobre los biocarburantes en España dentro del marco del proyecto europeo BIOFIT (Retrofitting Bioenergético de la Industria Europea). Las presentaciones se pueden encontrar haciendo click aquí.