Electronic Instrumentation Laboratories

Electronic instrumentation laboratories are the fundamental installation of the Division. They perform the tasks of assembly and welding of prototypes, debugging of hardware, firmware and software designs, characterization and calibration tests, quality control of serial manufacturing, etc. We have more than 300m2 dedicated to electronic laboratories. The use of laboratories is reallocated according to the needs of the projects at a given time. Each laboratory has several jobs equipped with high performance instruments in terms of speed and resolution. These types of instruments are critical for the development of high precision and high speed electronics that the scientific experiments in which it is involved in the Division. Likewise, each laboratory has one or several welding and repair stations, as well as visual inspection equipment.

We have high bandwidth oscilloscopes (up to 3.5GHz) and high sampling rate (up to 40Gs / s), differential active probes (1.7GHz and 3.5GHz), current probes, logic analyzers, signal generators and patterns (500MHz and 1.2Gs / s), programmable power supplies and data acquisition systems in VME, VXI, uTCA and PXI, among others. In these modular systems we use a multitude of signal processing units: digitizers, temporary meters (TDC), load sensitive amplifiers, trainers, counters, etc. These systems also allow us to debug our designs in a safe mechanical and electrical standard.

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