We have the ability to design our own Integrated Application Specific Circuits (ASIC). This capacity is critical for the electronic instrumentation used in particle physics and medical applications as it allows the development of mixed analog-digital circuits for the processing of signals that come from radiation or light sensors adapting to their particularities, in order to optimize the extraction of the information implicit in the output signals of the sensors. On the other hand, it allows to increase the level of integration and improve consumption and reliability.
We use the tools of Cadence Virtuoso and Encounter for the design and simulation of fully analog, digital or Mixed-Signal ASIC. We are members of the Europractice consortium, which gives us access to multi-project prototyping fabrications, as well as design tools and training courses. We work with AMS 350nm, XFAB 180nm and TSMC technologies of 180, 130 and 90 nm.
Microelectronic design activities are currently focused on the FlexToT and CTA projects. In FlexToT we collaborate in the development of ASIC for the reading and processing of silicon photomultiplier signals, to be used in PET instruments. In CTA we have developed the decision ASIC of Trigger L1 for the cameras of the larger telescopes (LST), which will be installed at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory in La Palma.