Electronics Unit

The Electronics Unit develops instrumentation for scientific experiments in the areas of particle physics, medical physics, energy and the environment, among others. Actively participates in the projects of the Division of Scientific Instrumentation, as well as in various projects of the CIEMAT departments: Basic Research, Technology, Energy, Fusion and Environment.

The main lines of activity are the development of electronic systems for analog signal processing, digitalization, data acquisition and Trigger for particle detectors and light and ionizing radiation sensors, the development of control systems for scientific installations, the development of banks of tests for the automated characterization of the elements used in said systems, as well as the definition and implementation of the necessary processing algorithms.

It has the capabilities for the design and implementation of hardware, firmware and software specific to the needs of the experiments in which it participates, making use of current technologies in order to obtain operational, innovative and optimal solutions for each project. The group consists of more than 15 physicists, engineers and technicians.