Protección Radiológica del Público y del Medio Ambiente

Criteria and Principles for Radiological Protection

This research line follows up and reviews national, European and international activities which could have an impact on radiation protection criteria and recommendations in planned and existing exposure situations to ionising radiation. It allows the identification and development of priority R&D&I activities that contribute to consolidate the scientific knowledge on which the system of radiological protection of people and the environment is based, defined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).

Methodologies, Models and Evaluation Tools for Radiological Impact Assessments

It develops, implements and validates the methodological tools and techniques necessary to find the best solution for the final management of radioactive and mixed waste generated by society. It is also going further into the development of new conceptual and mathematical models of the behaviour of selected radionuclides that highly contribute to the dose received. The processes and parameters for modelling the transport of radioactive contaminants in different environmental components (terrestrial and aquatic). The environmental impact of solid waste management practices is evaluated.

Radiological Impact of Artificial and Natural Radiation Sources

Focussed on the evaluation of the radiological impact of dumping radioactive effluents into the environment under normal operating conditions in nuclear and radioactive facilities, including the European Spallation Source (ESS). In addition, the interest is also on the impact of natural radioactivity  (NORM (Naturally Ocurring Radioactive Materials) industries). Models, computation codes using parameters adapted to Spanish characteristics, are being developed in cooperation with universities. There is an active participation in international forums and national and international expert groups. Finally, there are collaborations with companies in the subjects described above.

Radiological Protection in Intervention Situations

Radiological Protection activities are performed in emergency and post-emergency exposure situations in which the radiological risk can only be lowered by an intervention, including:
1. Use of predictive models to evaluate the radiological and non-radiological consequences of a nuclear or radiological accident and any remediation or restoration response.
2. Development of methodologies for the analysis of intervention strategies.
3. Implantation, demonstration, and training of decision-making assistance systems in outside emergencies, basically for management of the last stages and environmental restoration.