- Oscar Esteban, Ana Isabel de Andrés, Miguel Embid. "Improved extrinsic polymer optical fiber sensors for gamma-ray monitoring in radioprotection applications". Optics and Laser Technology. Aceptado en diciembre de 2016. Será publicado en 2017.
- E. García-Toraño, B. Caro, V. Peyrés, M. Mejuto. "Characterization of a CeBr3 detector and application to the measurement of some materials from steelworks, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics" Research Section A, Volume 837, 21 November 2016, Pages 63-68.
- M.J. Marijuán, J. Quiñones, J.A. Suárez-Navarro, E. García-Toraño. "Efficiency calibration and validation of a system for the assay of radioactive waste drums", 2016. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-016-4939-6.
- Faidra Tzika, Oleksiy Burda, Mikael Hult, Dirk Arnold, Belén Caro Marroyo, Pavel Dryák, Aldo Fazio, Laurent Ferreux, Eduardo García-Toraño et al., 60Co in cast steel matrix: A European interlaboratory comparison for the characterisation of new activity standards for calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers in metallurgy, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 114, August 2016, Pages 167-172.
- E. García-Toraño, V. Peyrés, M. Roteta, A.I. Sánchez-Cabezudo, E. Romero, A. Martínez Ortega. Standardisation and precise determination of the half-life of 44Sc, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 109, March 2016, Pages 314-318.
- R. Méndez, X. Campo, M. Embid, C. A. Yéboles, R. Morales y M. Novo. Caracterización del campo neutrónico alrededor de los contenedores ensa-dpt en el ati de c.n. Trillo mediante espectrometría neutrónica. Nuclear España Nº 378, Noviembre 2016.