Jesús Martínez Lizardo.

Aim of the stay: Training in topics related to the environmental radiological impact assessments, including: (i) Environmental radiological impact assessments using the CROM-8 and CROMERICA codes; and (ii) Biosphere safety assessments (BIOMASS Methodology).

Institution, Country: National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards (CNSNS), Mexico

Funder: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Dates: 20 January – 28 February 2020


Beatriz Hernández Méndez y Sergio Suárez Contreras

Aim of the stay: Training in topics related to environmental modeling, including: (i) Fundamentals and application of environmental models used for the transport and dispersion of contaminants in porous media of variable saturation and 3D (ii) Introduction to Hydrus 3d software and presentation of its main features; (iii) Application of Hydrus 3d software for transport modeling and dispersion of natural radionuclides in different environmental environments due to oil and gas extraction processes.

Institution, Country: National Institute of Nuclear Research ININ, Mexico

Funder: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Dates: 21 May-1 June 2018


Djibo Seydou (Ministry of Mines); Hassane Djibrilla Cissé and Moussa Yacoubou (Bureau of Environmental Evaluation and Impact Assessment); Abdou Dade (Centre National de Radio Protection, CNRP)

Aim of the stay: Training on Radiological Protection, Environmental Impact Assessments, monitoring methods and equipment, and environmental sampling. Conducting an environmental impact assessment, focusing on mining projects, and interpretation of results.  

Institution, Country: Niger

Funder: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Dates: 10 July-10 August 2017


Raúl Periañez

Aim of the stay: Sharing the work done in both groups in relation to the use of radioecological models for the radiological impact assessment and discuss future collaborations focused on models of radionuclides dispersion in the marine environment.

Institution, Country: University of Seville, Spain

Dates:  2-7 February, 2017