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Rodríguez-Gómez S, Medellín-Castillo NA, Herrera-Orozco I, Ávila-Galarza A, Castro Larragoitia SA, Aguilera-Flores MM, Ávila-Vázquez V. Life Cycle Assessment of a wastewater treatment plant in an urban area using the environmental footprint method. Environment, Development, and Sustainability, published 16 Dec 2023. 

Cruz-Reina LJ, Flórez-Rojas JS, Dirceu-López G, Herrera-Orozco I, Carazzone C, Sierra R. Obtention of fatty acids and phenolic compounds from Colombian cashew (Anacardium occidentale) nut shells using pyrolysis: towards a sustainable biodiesel production. Heliyon, July 2023, E18632 

Garraín D, Lechón Y. Sustainability assessments in solar energy projects: Results of case studies. Solar Compass, Volume 6, June 2023, 100039.

Gamarra AR, Lechón Y, Banacloche S, Corona B, de Andrés JM. A comparison and methodological proposal for hybrid approaches to quantify environmental impacts: A case study for renewable energies. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 867, April 2023, 161502.

Lima AT, Simoes SG, Aloini D, Zerbino P, Oikonomou TI, Karytsas S, Karytsas C, Seco Calvo O, Porcar B, Herrera I, Slabik S, Dürr HH, Genovese A, Bimpizas-Pinis M. Climate mitigation models need to become circular – let's start with the construction sectorResources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 190, March 2023, 106808.

Gamarra AR, Banacloche S, Lechón Y, del Río P. Assessing the sustainability impacts of concentrated solar power deployment in Europe in the context of global value chains. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 171, January 2023, 113004.

Lechón Y, Lago C, Herrera I, Gamarra AR, Pérula A. Carbon benefits of different energy storage alternative end uses. Application to the Spanish caseRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 171, January 2023, 112985.

Lage J, d'Espiney A, Canha N, Manteigas V, Alexandre JL, Gonçalves K, Chacartegui R, Lizana J, Lechón Y, Gamarra AR, Fernández A, Blondeau P, Gomes M, Almeida SM. Mobility Patterns of Scholar Communities in Southwestern European CountriesSustainability 2022, 14 (24),16704.

Sánchez MN, Giancola E, Soutullo S, Gamarra AR, Olmedo R, Ferrer JA, Jiménez MJ. Suitability Evaluation of Different Measured Variables to Assess the Occupancy Patterns of a Building: Analysis of a Classroom of a School in Madrid during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Energies 2022, 15 (9), 3112.

Banacloche S, Lechón Y, Rodríguez-Martínez A. Carbon capture penetration in Mexico's 2050 horizon: A sustainability assessment of Mexican CCS policy. International Journal of  Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 115, March 2022, 103603.

Gamarra ARLechón Y, Escribano G, Lilliestam J, Lázaro L, Caldés NAssessing dependence and governance as value chain risks: Natural Gas versus Concentrated Solar power plants in Mexico. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 93, Mar 2022, 106708.

Cazcarro I, García-Gusano D, Iribarren D, Linares P, Romero JC, Arocena P, Arto I, Banacloche S, Lechón Y, Miguel LJ, Zafrilla J, López LA, Langarita R, Cadarso MA. Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 805, 20 Jan 2022, 150329.

Santiago JL, Rivas E, Gamarra AR, Vivanco MG, Buccolieri R, Martilli A, Lechón Y, Martín F. Estimates of population exposure to atmospheric pollution and health-related externalities in a real city: The impact of spatial resolution on the accuracy of resultsScience of the Total Environment, Volume 819, 1 May 2022, 152062.

Gamarra AR, Lechón Y, Vivanco MG, Theobald MR, Lago C, Sánchez E, Santiago JL, Garrido JL, Martín F, Gil V, Rodríguez-Sánchez A. Avoided Mortality Associated with Improved Air Quality from an Increase in Renewable Energy in the Spanish Transport Sector: Use of Biofuels and the Adoption of the Electric Car. Atmosphere, 2021, 12(12), 1603. 

Arribas L, Lechón Y, Pérula A, Domínguez J, Ferres M, Navarro J, Zarzalejo LF, García-Baquero C, Cruz I. Review of Data and Data Sources for the Assessment of the Potential of Utility-Scale Hybrid Wind–Solar PV Power Plants Deployment, under a Microgrid Scope. Energies, 2021, 14(21), 7434.

Garraín D, Banacloche S, Ferreira-Aparicio P, Martínez-Chaparro A, Lechón YSustainability indicators for the manufacturing and use of a fuel cell prototype and hydrogen storage for portable usesEnergies, 2021, 14(20), 6558.

Gamarra AR, Lago C, Herrera I, Lechón Y, Almeida SM, Lage J, Silva F. Low-Carbon Economy in Schools: Environmental Footprint and Associated Externalities of Five Schools in Southwestern EuropeEnergies, 2021, 14(19), 6238.

Méndez L, Forniés E, Garraín D, Pérez-Vázquez A, Souto A, Vlasenko T. Upgraded Metallurgical Grade Silicon and Polysilicon for solar electricity production: a comparative Life Cycle Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 789, 1 Oct 2021, 147969. 

Lechón Y, Banacloche S. Unidad de Análisis de Sistemas de CIEMAT. Marco FISA y modelo TIMES-Spain. Papeles de Energía, Nº 12, February 2021, pp. 51-58.

Forniés E, del Cañizo C, Méndez L, Souto A, Pérez-Vázquez A, Garraín DUMG silicon for solar PV: from defects detection to PV module degradation. Solar Energy, Volume 220, 15 May 2021, pp 354-362.

Lechón Y, de la Rúa C, Lechón JI. Environmental footprint and life cycle costing of a family house built on CLT structure. Analysis of hotspots and improvement measures. Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 39, July 2021, 102239.

Lizana J, Manteigas V, Chacartegui R, Lage J, Becerra JA, Blondeau P, Rato R, Silva F, Gamarra AR, Herrera I, Gomes M, Fernández A, Berthier C, Gonçalves K, Alexandre JL, Almeida-Silva M, Almeida SM. A methodology to empower citizens towards a low-carbon economy. The potential of schools and sustainability indicators. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 284, 15 April 2021, 112043.

Herrera I, Valencia G, Duarte J. Exergo-environmental assessment and multi-objective optimization of waste heat recovery systems based on Organic Rankine cycle configurations. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 28, March 2021, 125679.

Gamarra AR, Lechón Y, Vivanco MG, Garrido JL, Martín F, Sánchez E, Theobald MR, Gil V, Santiago JL. Benefit Analysis of the 1st Spanish Air Pollution Control Program on Health Impacts and Associated Externalities. Atmosphere 2021, 12 (1), 32.

Thonig R, Del Río P, Kiefer CP, Lázaro-Touza L, Escribano G, Lechón Y, Späth L, Wolf I, Lilliestam J. Does ideology influence the ambition level of climate and renewable energy policy? Insights from four European countries. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (2021), 16:1, 4-22.

Kiefer CP, Caldés N, Del Río P. Will dispatchability be a main driver to the European Union cooperation mechanisms for concentrated solar power?. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (2021), 16:1, 42-54.

Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Lechón Y, Oliveira AC, Krüger D, Bouden C. Sustainability assessment of a hybrid CSP/biomass. Results of a prototype plant in Tunisia. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment, Volume 42, December 2020, 100862.

Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Garraín DLechón Y, Oliveira AC. Sustainability Assessment of a Novel Micro Solar Thermal – Biomass Heat and Power Plant in Morocco. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2020, pp. 1379-1392.

Banacloche S, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Towards energy transition in Tunisia: Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power and biomass plant. Science of Total Environment, Volume 744, 20 November 2020, 140729.

Banacloche S, Gamarra AR, Lechón Y, Bustreo C. Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of bringing the sun to earth: A sustainability analysis of a fusion power plant deployment. Energy, Volume 209, 15 October 2020, 118460.

Garraín D, Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Lechón Y, Hepbasli A, Araz M, Biyik E, Yao R, Shahrestani M, Essah M, Shao L, Rico E, Lechón JL, Oliveira AC. Sustainability indicators of a naturally ventilated photovoltaic façade system. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 266, 1 September 2020, 121946.

Lerede D, Bustreo C, Gracceva F, Lechón Y, Savoldi L. Analysis of the Effects of Electrification of the Road Transport Sector on the Possible Penetration of Nuclear Fusion in the Long-Term European Energy MixEnergies 2020, 13 (14), 3634.

Banacloche S, Cadarso MA, Monsalve F, Lechón YAssessment of the sustainability of Mexico green investments in the road to ParisEnergy Policy, Volume 141, June 2020, 111458.

Banacloche S, Cadarso MA, Monsalve F. Implications of measuring value added in exports with a regional input-output table. A case of study in South AmericaStructural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 52, March 2020, Pages 130-140.

Willaarts BA,  Lechón Y, Mayor B, De la Rúa C, Garrido A. Cross-sectoral implications of the implementation of irrigation water use efficiency policies in Spain: A nexus footprint approachEcological Indicators, Volume 109, February 2020, 105795.

Garraín D, Lechón Y. Environmental footprint of a road pavement rehabilitation service in SpainJournal of Environmental Management, Volume 252, 15 December 2019, 109646. 

Merino I, Herrera I, Valdés H. Environmental Assessment of Energy Scenarios for a Low-Carbon Electrical Network in Chile. Sustainability 2019, 11 (18), 5066.

Solano-Olivares K, Romero RJ, Santoyo E, Herrera I, Galindo-Luna YR, Rodríguez-Martínez A, Santoyo-Castelazo E, Cerezo J. Life cycle assessment of a solar absorption air-conditioning systemJournal of Cleaner Production, Volume 240, 10 December 2019, 118206. 

Siala K, De la Rúa C, Lechón Y, Hamacher T. Towards a Sustainable European Energy System: Linking Optimization Models with Multi-Regional Input-Output AnalysisEnergy Strategy Reviews, Volume 26, November 2019, 100391.

Gamarra AR, Herrera I, Lechón YAssessing sustainability performance in the educational sector. A high school case studyScience of Total Environment, Volume 692, November 2019, Pages 465-478.

Lechón Y, De la Rúa C, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Caldés NSocioeconomic implications of biofuels deployment through an Input-Output approach. A case study in UruguayRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 104, April 2019, Pages 178-191.

Rivas E, Santiago JL, Lechón Y, Martín F, Ariño A, Pons JJ, Santamaría JM. CFD modelling of air quality in Pamplona City (Spain): Assessment, stations spatial representativeness and health impacts valuation. Science of the Total Environment , Volume 649, February 2019, Pages 1362-1380.

Caldés N, Del Río P, Lechón Y, Gerbeti A. Renewable Energy Cooperation in Europe: What Next? Drivers and Barriers to the Use of Cooperation MechanismsEnergies 2019, 12 (1). 70.

Vides-Prado A, Ojeda E, Vides-Prado C, Herrera I, Chenlo F, Candelo JE, Barrios A. Techno-economic feasibility analysis of photovoltaic systems in remote areas for indigenous communities in the Colombian Guajira. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2018), Vol 82, pp. 4245-4255.

Caldés N, Rodriguez-Serrano I. Potential contribution of concentrated solar power in meeting the sustainable development goals. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 2033, 120001 (2018).

Rodríguez-Serrano I, Caldés NThe potential contribution of solar thermal electricity (STE) in the light of the Paris Agreements. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 2033,120004 (2018).

Rodríguez-Martinez A., Lechón Y, Cabal H, Castrejón C, Flores MP, Romero RJ. Consequences of the National Energy Strategy in the Mexican Energy System: Analyzing Strategic Indicators with an Optimization Energy ModelEnergies (2018), 11(10), 2837. 

Gamarra AR, Istrate IR, Herrera I, Lago C, Lizana J, Lechón YEnergy and water consumption and carbon footprint of school buildings in hot climate conditions. Results from life cycle assessmentJournal of Cleaner Production (2018), Volume 195, pp. 1326-1337, ISSN 0959-6526.

Lilliestam J, Barradi T, Caldés N, Gomez M, Hanger S, Kern J, Komendantova N, Mehos M, Hong WM, Wang Z, Patt A. Policies to keep and expand the option of concentrating solar power for dispatchable renewable electricityEnergy Policy  (2018) 116, pp.193–197.  

Lechón Y, De la Rúa C, Cabal H. Impacts of Decarbonisation on the Water-Energy-Land (WEL) Nexus: A Case Study of the Spanish Electricity Sector. Energies (2018), 11 (5), 1203. 

Muñoz M, Herrera I, Lechón Y, Caldés N, Iglesias E. Environmental Assessment of  Electricity Based on Straight Jatropha Oil on Floreana Island, EcuadorBioEnergy Research (2018) volume 11, issue 1, pp. 123–138.

García-Gusano D, Garraín D, Dufour J. Prospective life cycle assessment of the Spanish electricity productionRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 75, 21-34.

García-Gusano D, Iribarren D, Garraín DProspective analysis of energy security: A practical life-cycle approach focused on renewable power generation and oriented towards policy-makersApplied Energy, Volume 190, 15 March 2017, pp 891-901.

Cabal H, Lechón Y, Bustreo C, Gracceva F, Biberacher M, Ward D, Dongiovanni D, Grohnheit PE. Fusion power in a future low carbon global electricity systemEnergy Strategy Reviews (2017) ,15C, pp.1-8 

Rodríguez-Serrano I, Caldés N,  De la Rúa C, Lechón Y, Garrido A. Using the Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (FISA) to expand the Multiregional Input–Output analysis to account for the three pillars of sustainabilityEnvironment, Development and Sustainability (2017) 19:1981.

De la Rúa C, Lechón Y. An integrated Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Analysis of miscanthus biomass production in France: Socio-economic and climate change consequencesBiomass and Bioenergy, Volume 94, November 2016, Pages 21-30, ISSN 0961-9534.

Trieb F, Kern J, Caldés N, De la Rúa C, Türk A, Frieden D. Rescuing the concept of solar electricity transfer from North Africa to EuropeInternational Journal of Energy Sector Management. Vol. 10 Issue 3 pp. 448 – 473 (2016).

Lilliestam J, Caldés N, Ellenbek S, Karakosta C.Understanding the absence of renewable electricity imports to the European UnionInternational Journal of Energy Sector Management. Vol. 10 Issue 3 pp. 291 – 311 (2016).

Sanfélix J, De la Rúa C, Schmidt JH, Messagie M, Van Mierlo J. Environmental and Economic Performance of an Li-Ion Battery Pack: A Multiregional Input-Output ApproachEnergies 2016, 9, 584.

Corona B, De la Rúa C, San Miguel G. Socio-economic and environmental effects of concentrated solar power in Spain: A multiregional input output analysis. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 156, November 2016, pp. 112-121. 

Garraín D, Lechón Y, Santamaría M. Environmental externalities assessment of a palm hydrotreated vegetable oil, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2016) 18:1239.  

Garraín D, De la Rúa C, Lechón Y. Consequential effects of increased biofuel demand in Spain: global crop area and CO2 emissions from indirect land use change, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 85, February 2016, pp 187-197.

Garraín D, Ben Aoun W. El cambio de uso de suelo indirecto ante una demanda potencial de biocombustibles en EspañaRevista Monfragüe Desarrollo Resiliente, Vol VI, nº1 (enero 2016) pp. 85-111. 

Berghout N, Cabal H, Gouveia JP, van den Broek M, Faaij A. Method for identifying drivers, barriers and synergies related to the deployment of a CO2 pipeline network. A case study for the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 41 (2015) pp. 82-106.

Garraín D, Fazio S, De la Rúa C, Recchioni M, Lechón Y, Mathieux F. Background qualitative analysis of European Reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD) energy datasets-Part I: Fuel datasets. SpringerPlus 2015, 4:151.

Garraín D, Fazio S, De la Rúa C, Recchioni M, Lechón Y, Mathieux F. Background qualitative analysis of the European reference life cycle database (ELCD) energy datasets-Part II: Electricity datasetsSpringerPlus 2015, 4:30.

Fazio S, Garraín D, Mathieux F, De la Rúa C, Recchioni M, Lechón Y. Methodology applied to the background analysis of energy data to be considered for the European Reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD). SpringerPlus 2015, 4:150.

García-Gusano D, Garraín D, Herrera I, Cabal H, Lechón Y. Life Cycle Assessment of applying CO2 post-combustion capture to the Spanish cement productionJournal of Cleaner Production, Volume 104, 1 October 2015, Pages 328-338.

García-Gusano D, Cabal H, Lechón, Y. Long-term behaviour of CO2 emissions from cement production in Spain: scenario analysis using an energy optimisation model. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 99, 15 July 2015, Pages 101-111. 

García-Gusano D, Cabal H, Lechón Y. Evolution of NOx and SO2 emissions in Spain: ceilings versus taxes. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2015) 17:1997.

García-Gusano D, Herrera I, Garraín D, Lechón Y, Cabal H. Life cycle assessment of the Spanish cement production. Implementation of environmental-friendly solutionsClean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2015) 17:59.

Zafrilla JE, Cadarso MA, Monsalve F. , De la Rúa C. How Carbon-Friendly Is Nuclear Energy? A Hybrid MRIO-LCA Model of a Spanish Facility. Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 48 (24), pp 14103-14111. 

Garraín D., Herrera I., Lechón Y., Lago C. Well-to-Tank environmental analysis of a renewable diesel fuel from vegetable oil through co-processing in a hydrotreatment unitBiomass and Bioenergy, Volume 63, pp. 239-249, April 2014.

Moliner E, Vidal R, Franco V, Garraín D. A method to assess the impact of road transport noise within the framework of Life Cycle AssessmentDYNA Ingeniería e Industria, January 2014, Vol. 89, pp 77-84.

Garraín D., Lechón Y. Exploratory Environmental Impact Assessment of the manufacturing and disposal stages of a cargobike PEM fuel cellInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014), pp 1769-1774. 

Kanudia A, Berghou N, Boavida D,  van den Broek M, Cabal H, Carneiro J, Fortes P, Gargiulo M, Gouveia JP, Labriet M, Lechón Y, Martinez A, Mesquita P, Rimi A, Seixas J, Tosato G. CCS infrastructure development scenarios for the integrated Iberian Peninsula and Morocco energy systemEnergy Procedia 37 (2013)  pp. 2645-2656.

Moliner E, Vidal R, Garraín D. Aplicación de gvSIG en un estudio de evaluación de impacto ambiental del transporte de residuosRevista online AMBIENTUM, Feb 2013. 

Boavida D, Carneiro JF, Ramírez A, Martínez R, Czernichowski-Lauriol I, Tosato GC, Rmi A, Zarhloule Y, Simoes S, Cabal H. Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the west Mediterranean. Energy Procedia 4 (2011) pp.2440-2447. 

Cabal H. y Lechón Y. Escenarios energéticos sostenibles a medio y largo plazoRevista Ambient@, número 96, Energía. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. Septiembre 2011.

Garraín D, Lechón Y, De la Rúa C. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) in automotive applications: Environmental relevance of the manufacturing stageSmart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol. 2, num. 2, pp.68-74, 2011.

Pregger T, Lavagno E, Labriet M, Seljom P, Biberacher M, Blesl M, Trieb F, O'Sullivan M, Gerboni R, Schranz L, Cabal H, Lechón Y, Zocher D. Resources, capacities and corridors for energy imports to EuropeInternational Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp 125-156, 2011.

Garraín D, Herrera I, Lago C, Lechón Y, Sáez R. Asignación energética de los consumos de energía y emisiones de productos petrolíferos en refinería en el marco del ACVOILGáS: Petróleo, Petroquímica y Gas, núm. 501, Mar 2011, pp. 40-51.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Sáez R. Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions impacts of the adoption of the EU Directive on biofuels in Spain. Effect of the import of raw materials and land use changesBiomass and Bioenergy 35, Issue 6, pp.2374-2384. 2011. 

Viebahn P, Trieb F, Lechón Y. The potential role of concentrated solar power (CSP) in Africa and Europe-A dynamic assessment of technology development, cost development and life cycle. Energy Policy, Volume 39, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 4420-4430.

Herrera I, Lago C, Lechón Y, Sáez R. Aplicación de la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida en la evaluación ambiental de sistemas energéticosEnergía y Tecnología. Vol. 1, pp 62-65. 2010.

Garraín D, Herrera I, Lago C, Lechón Y, Sáez R. Renewable diesel fuel from processing of vegetable oil in hydrotreatment units: theoretical compliance with European Directive 2009/28/EC and ongoing projects in SpainSmart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol. 1, Num. 2, pp 70-73. 2010. 

Labriet M, Cabal H, Lechón Y, Giannakidis G, Kanudia A. The implementation of the EU renewable directive in Spain. Strategies and challenges. Energy Policy, Vol 38, Issue 5, pp 2272-2281. May 2010.

Caldés N, Santamaría M, Sáez R. Socio-economic Impact of Solar Thermal Electricity Deployment in Spain: a brief review. Modern Energy Review, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp 80-81. 2010.

Granada L, Herrera I, Yela A. Aplicación del software PCA 1.0: Para reducir el deterioro de la calidad del aire en Cali Colombia (Fase I)Revista Entramado. Vol. 5, Num. 2, pp 80-91. 2009.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, De la Rúa C, Caldés N, Santamaría M, Sáez R. Energy and greenhouse gas emission savings of biofuels in Spain's transport fuel. The adoption of the EU policy on biofuelsBiomass and Bioenergy, Volume 33, Issues 6–7, June–July 2009, Pages 920-932.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Caldés N, Santamaría M, Sáez R. Avoided Global Warming emissions with the adoption of biofuel policies in Spain. International Journal of Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos 1/2/3, pp 288-306. 2009. 

Labriet M, Caldés N, Izquierdo L. A review on urban air quality, global climate change and CDM issues in the transportation sectorInternational Journal of Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos 1/2/3, pp 144-158. 2009. 

Caldés N, Varela M, Santamaría M, Sáez R. Economic impact of solar themal electricity deployment in SpainEnergy Policy 37, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 1628-1636.

Labriet M, Caldés N, Izquierdo L. Mécanisme de Développement Propre et transports urbainsLes Cahiers de Global Change Nº 26, Liaison Énergie-Francophonie Nº 81, pp. 123-126. Dec 2008.

Lechón Y, De la Rúa C, Sáez R. Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Electricity Production by Solarthermal Power Plants in SpainJournal of Solar Energy Engineering Vol. 130, 021012-1, May 2008.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Sáez R. Life cycle analysis of wheat and barley crops forbioethanol production in SpainInternational Journal Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology, 4:113-122. 2005.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Varela M, Sáez R, Eherer C, Baumann M, Düweke J, Hamacher T, Tosato GC. A global energy model with fusionFusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 75–79, November 2005, Pages 1141-1144.

Varela M, Ramírez L, Mora LL, Sidrach M. Economic analysis of small solar photovoltaic facilities and their regional differencesInternational Journal of Energy Research , nº 28, pp. 245-255. 2004.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Sáez R, Hallberg B, Aquilonius K, Schneider T, Lepicard S, Ward DJ, Hamacher T, Korhonen R. External costs of silicon carbide fusion power plants compared to other advanced generation technologiesFusion Engineering and Design, Volume 69, Issues 1–4, September 2003, Pages 683-688.

Hallberg B, Aquilonius K, Lechón Y, Cabal H, Sáez R, Schneider T, Lepicard S, Ward DJ, Hamacher T, Korhonen R. External costs of material recycling strategies for fusion power plantsFusion Engineering and Design, Volume 69, Issues 1–4, September 2003, Pages 699-703.

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Gómez M, Sánchez E, Sáez R. Environmental Externalities Caused by SO2 and Ozono Pollution in the Metropolitan Area of MadridEnvironmental Science and Policy, Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2002, Pages 385-395.

Hamacher T, Lako P, Ybema JR, Korhonen R, Aquilonius K, Cabal H, Hallberg B, Lechón Y, Lepicard S, Sáez R, Schneider T, Ward DJ. Can Fusion Help to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions?Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 58–59, November 2001, Pages 1087-1090

Schleisner L, Hamacher T, Cabal H, Hallberg B, Lechón Y, Korhonen R, Sáez R. Energy, Material and Land Requirement of a Fusion PlantFusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 58–59, November 2001, Pages 1081-1085.

Hamacher T, Korhonen R, Aquilonius K, Cabal H, Hallberg B, Lechón Y, Lepicard S, Sáez R, Schneider T, Ward DJ. Radiological Impact of an Intens Fusion EconomyFusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 58–59, November 2001, Pages 1037-1042.

Schneider T, Lepicard S, Sáez R, Cabal H, Lechón Y, Ward DJ, Hamacher T, Aquilonius K, Hallberg B, Korhonen R. Evaluation of Radiological and Economic Consequences Associated with an Accident in a Fusion Power PlantFusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 58–59, November 2001, Pages 1077-1080

Lechón Y, Cabal H, Sáez R, Ward DJ, Hallberg B, Aquilonius K, Korhonen R, Hamacher T, Schneider T, Lepicard S. Explotation and Improvement of the External Costs Assessment of Fusion Power. Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 58–59, November 2001, Pages 1027-1032.

Hamacher T, Sáez R, Aquilonius K, Cabal H, Hallberg B, Korhonen R, Lechón Y, Lepicard S, Schleisner L, Schneider T, Ward DJ. A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental External Costs of a Fusion Power Plant. Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 56–57, October 2001, Pages 95-103.

Varela M, Sáez R, Audus H. Large-Scale Economic Integration of Electricity from Short-Rotation Woody CropsSolar Energy, Volume 70, Issue 2, 2001, Pages 95-107.